People like The God of High School also like (277)


ethereal sora July 7, 2024 11:25 am

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one of the many things i just hate about mubong is when he became the supreme god, he decided to wipe out humanity just to wipe out his own past?? like... no fucking way you let the past control you for ALMOST YOUR WHOLE LIFE. and i can understand the trauma with it, but what about the trauma you inflicted upon others? he is just an egoistical, son of a bitch that a) should go to therapy and b)go to hell.

he is the prime example of letting the past control you. youll never be able to advance in life if you just let your past experiences shadow your current self. always inprove and dont be afraid to take risks to improve yourself. that said, make mubong park your improvement goals. if you ever think youre still held by the past, just remember mubong park guys. i assure you, youre probably steps ahead of him lmao

ethereal sora July 6, 2024 7:18 am

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im yapping so much but GOD i love dusik... hes just too cold with it. call me a glazer but i think hes the pinnacle of human greed. not for power no, just for profit thats why i prefer him over mubong im ngl. compared to mubong whos greed overtook his good (debatable) nature, dusik has been a onr track man all this time and i salute him for it

ethereal sora July 5, 2024 3:50 pm

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the characterization of mujin or muBONG park(i dont respect him enough to use his preferred name) is amazing. hes such an antagonist but in a way, his motives are understandable. wanting humanity to come ontop is just such a... humane trait. and along the way, his greed clouded his judgement was simply a chefs kiss. that doesnt mean i dont hate him. i despise him and his ideals. for what reason would you have to turn against the literal person who saved your asses?? and who cares if mori was a god? he spent most of his time as a human, living amongst humans. there was little to no chance of him turning evil.

with that said, mori had all the reasons to end up evil, and he doesnt. really like his character for that cause if it was me, i would NOT be playing mori a saint fr... one of my few disdains is the usage of mira's character. no matter what, it seemed like she was getting pushed out of the spotlight... i just wanted to see more of my glorious witch

simp June 22, 2024 11:40 am

I can’t remember shit now, dropped this years ago at chapter 300+ Not sure if it’s worth picking up cuz i forgot literally the whole story

Every girls girlfriend June 22, 2024 9:08 am

Does this have romance of any sort between the main characters or something

bluebloodsenpai June 14, 2024 11:58 pm

Been reading this since 5th grade, gonna finish highschool this year.
I am fucking bawling rn. GOH will always have a place in my heart

Black Evil Bulls June 13, 2024 8:16 am

I really Loved it <3 it was a good one

BlackStar9293 June 12, 2024 10:50 pm

I love it. it was a great. there where part that made me mad but it was really good :)

Emperor June 5, 2024 9:39 pm

May i ask why did the mc change,
im confused

Emperor June 5, 2024 9:40 pm

I dropped it on chap 322

oddkidzain May 27, 2024 5:27 pm

Just peak.

Udon April 17, 2024 1:02 pm

Not bad somewhat repeating plot but i enjoyed