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Rattt : I'm a sucker for cliche plots. Is it predictable? Yes. Am I still gonna eat it up like the main dish at a 5 star restaurant? Also yes.
shitcory : Tbh, if Jaina turns out to be an intelligent demon or a half-demon or something, I think that would make this story a bit more interesting - it would just be a small twist on the typical tropes, that instead of "just" using black magic (which seems to be implied a lil bit so far) it's actually more innate than that for her. Especially if the fact that there are intelligent demons is more hidden than known.

I still don't like the idea that the brother and CP fell for her bc of dark magic or some shit - that's just lazy writing. (It's not yet confirmed, that's just the feeling a lot of people have gotten so far and I, unfortunately, agree.) I don't care to see the CP be all happy with MC only for MC to think he hates her, and then her being the one who ends up breaking his heart (bc of something he couldn't control). Like dammit, have Jaina seduce those men without any love potion spells or that crap - let her use actual tricks and be cunning to get past MC's inteference to get the men's interest, and eventually get them to fall for her. Manipulation is much more interesting than just magic. Have the CP be more shallow by falling for it, instead of him being truly head-over-heels for MC.