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Evangline. : Lamo I didn't see that slap coming!
His mom looked so cute, hope they name the baby after her *saw someone in the comments saying so and i totally agree*
Saya : I don't blame Ian, unlike Madelyn he does not remember his previous life.
I don't see any reason to blame anyone, they both went through shit and I don't expect us to understand them 100%, at the same time, we as readers know both sides of the story.
it's not an ordinary story, their characters are different and I like to see how the situation will unfold.
Totally Normal BL Enjoyer : Let's hope the pink Naga is less annoying now because she was kinda clingy and stupid
Its me ; ) : Peak advice rn ( to myself too lol) let it simmer cuz it's a slow burn and reading a at every update is gone end in disappointment cuz you're gonna want more and fast lmao- see yall around November lol
babbb : are they gonna name the baby after his mum? so cute!!