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K_pois : I watched the kdrama first but still looked forward to reading the webtoon. Heavily suggest just reading the original translation since whats uploaded here is a little iffy

For a popular story, I expected it to at least be uploaded in order but you work with what u get!
Serinasan : Lmaoooo the demon is so blatantly "inspired" from fullmetal alchemist that it took me out of the story! what is this, homunculus isekai after he failed in FMA?
bloopbloop_ : when I first read the description for this I was like the gym teacher was prob grooming him BUT FUCK I WAS WRONG IN A WAY OMG I'M SO SORRY MINJOON THAT PEDO I HOPE HE BURNS BY THE END OF THIS MANHWA IT ALL MAKES SENSE THE BULLYING AND EVERYTHING OMG FUCKER