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Zeruuuuu : The plot overall was interesting and the pacing was actually good until the last part. It cramped shin's background story way too much that the impact of the confessions was slightly lost. Even the dr. interrupted the momenttt(/TДT)/ hoping there's an epilogue to neatly wrap up the storyy
SJ02 : Honestly, I really like the idea of her cute and bright sister becoming a strong knight. Usually, it’s strong FL’s who know how to use a sword, but she’s just cute and joyful. I really want to see how she grows up
Agarouge : Comments really showing that yall dont understand nuance and morally gray characters, like theyre both hurt teenagers lets use our brain and some critical thinking
Potato : Thicc thighs, save lives
Tiramisu_2134 : I don’t read bl, but this was really good. The way it portrayed abuse, and trauma was so realistic and it was so refreshing to see abuse victims not portrayed to be nice, soft and sensitive but actually complex and realistic. I see a pattern that authors tend to give abuse victims this soft and sensitive personality and make them constantly get saved which is unrealistic sadly abuse victims don’t get saved. For example, how to get my husband on my side the story tried so hard for us to make us feel bad for her bc she’s such a nice girl who is being abused by everyone. While, this story did a lot better job in explaining trauma and abuse and what can it do to a person without it feeling like a whole pity party.
Kam : wheres my sex scene…… LMAO MB aha.